August 15, 2012

Thanks, and congrats to the new officers

Still coming off that Chicago conference high while dealing with the normal workload at Hometown U.? Yeah, I know, me too. So that's why this missive is a few days late (got home Sunday night and it's now Wednesday).

Supposedly Newton once said that if he saw far it was because he stood on the shoulders of giants. I know what he meant. If there was any success at all during our Chicago conference workshops it was due to the effort and hard work put in by the other COMJIG officers because it seemed to me that I spent my time chasing down mundane details. The big pic -- and the application of the small stuff that they sweated -- was handled by everyone else.

I also want to thank the other officers for all their help this past year when I was head of the interest group. We had an interesting discussion about the future of COMJIG during our members' meeting in Chi-town, but I'll let the new head of the group, John Hatcher, fill everyong in about that. It is said that the devil is in the details, but this time the excitement will be in the details. John will tell everyone more about it.

In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great start to the semester and a fulfilling academic year. See you in D.C. in August.


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