December 06, 2008

Live from Louisville - your AEJMC schedule!

(Updated with new times on preconference session)

A little live blogging today from inside the closely guarded chip room and cranberry juice bar at the AEJMC winter meeting. We now have a tentative program for you for the Boston convention, Aug. 5-8. We think it's a great selection of panels:

Tuesday Aug. 4

1-4 p.m.: A preconference session with CCJIG on the Mumbai terrorist attacks, citizen journalism and media literacy.

Wednesday Aug. 5

10 a.m.: COMJIG and CCJIG - We kick off with Helping rural journalists better serve their communities. This panel explores university-based training programs and projects designed to help rural journalists better serve their communities. Several could become prototypes for programs across the country.

11:45 a.m.: CCJIG and COMJIG - We follow that great panel with Reinventing Journalism: Anatomy of a One-Year Applied Field Experiment. This panel takes a look at the one-year Representative Journalism field experiment in Northfield, Minn.

3:15 p.m.: COMJIG, International, Religion. Mini-plenary on normative theories of the media, including the special role community journalism plays in helping democracies flourish.

5 p.m.: COMJIG - Our refereed research session. Be sure to be there for some great papers!

And, of course, don't forget the keynote speech and opening reception Wednesday night.

Thursday Aug. 6

11:45 a.m.: Newspaper and COMJIG - A great teaching panel on Pushing Students Outside Their Comfort Zones: The Challenges of Teaching the Sheltered Student Generation. How do we get those sheltered students to deal with people who aren't like them?

1:30 p.m.: Our scholar-to-scholar paper presentations.

6:45 p.m.: Don't miss our always engaging members meeting, which once again will be held partly in conjunction with the Civic and Citizen Journalism Interest Group.

Friday Aug. 7
After the AEJMC business meeting, don't forget that J-lab will be having its citizen journalism luncheon. It's always a fascinating presentation.

1:45 p.m.: COMJIG and Minorities and Communication: Ethnic news organizations as community media, their health and future role in an evolving media world. Boston is rich in ethnic media. Come talk with publishers, editors and those who study the ethnic media about their health and their future roles.

3:30 p.m.: COMJIG and Newspaper - Research opportunities in community journalism. A great research panel. You need to come if you have or are planning a research agenda in community media. And remember, we define community not just as geographical, but social as well.

We'll let you know more as the convention approaches.

- Liz and Doug


Mich S. said...

These look like some really great sessions! Is it August yet? :D

George L. Daniels said...

Doug and Liz,
Nice job on putting together a great slate of sessions for Boston. Also, Doug, I'm glad that you've posted this information so quickly for the COMJIG members to see and add to their convention plans.